Toyin Ladipo

A designer, entrepreneur, and book lover who stays home with the kids.

Originally from Nigeria, I call the San Francisco Bay Area home now. My primary job description is “full-time mom.” So, most days, you will find me doing what stay-at-home moms do: driving, cooking, housekeeping, budgeting, negotiating, supervising, settling disputes, managing house maintenance, handling bills, and scheduling appointments. Between these many responsibilities, I carve out time to nurture myself and my semi-passive business. Yup! I root for semi-passive business models because what other type of business makes you money on autopilot? Of course, I didn’t always think that way. I used to think success meant working out of the home and managing large teams. Over time, I have realized that personal success is what you say it is.

Today, success is to be present for my kids, design a home where we all thrive, and have the resources to do what matters to the entire family. Success means to be free to do whatever I choose daily and be the master of my destiny. It means rocking easy wear and minimal makeup most days. Of course, it took me a while to arrive at that conclusion but hey! I still got there.

So, it is safe to say my life revolves around my family. The business comes second, and I’m okay with that. My income-generating routine fits effortlessly into our lifestyle – not the other way round. My office could be the dining room, kitchen, or little nook off the living room on a busy day instead of my blush-themed home studio. So, I have learned the art of optimizing my day to work for the good of the entire family. Every day, I try to be better at managing my time so that I can take better care of myself, family and business.


Fun facts about me:

– I read everywhere and every time.
– I can go months without watching TV.
– I know when others move my stuff, even if the change is minimal
– I love beautiful interiors and enjoy styling my home.
– I get a rush from learning something new.


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