September 8, 2021

Journaling Techniques To Get You Writing

There are different journaling techniques depending on your preferences. The perfect method is whatever feels right to the individual journaling.

In previous posts, we discussed how journaling improves our mental health, happiness, and productivity. Also, we learned how it helps clarify thoughts and ideas, allowing us to make more informed decisions in our lives. For moms ready to dive in, below are journaling techniques that will get you started in no time!

Stream of consciousness journaling

This journaling technique basically requires you to write continuously from the moment you sit down to begin your session. Don’t pause after each sentence; just keep writing without reading back what you have written. Do this for about twenty minutes, but you can do it for longer if you feel it is necessary. Do not worry about grammar or spelling either. Just write your ideas down in your own style.

Bullet Journaling

This journaling technique uses bullets. Each bullet is your prompt for the day, and you can complete as many as you feel are relevant to your situation. This is a helpful way to keep track of goals and tasks in addition to journaling. You can also use symbols to make your entries brief. For example, ♥ can represent love or hearts.

Scrapbooking Technique

Scrapbooking is similar to bullet journaling because you use a notebook and list for recording various aspects of your life. However, scrapbooking involves pasting pictures and mementos into the pages instead of using bullets as prompts. It becomes a comprehensive record of your life that would otherwise require many photo albums.

Scenario Journaling

This is a valuable technique for people who have vivid dreams and want to recall them in greater detail. Essentially, you prompt your mind to remember your dreams by writing out a detailed journal of everything that happened during the day. This can be done at the end of every day, but it should be done over two weeks or more for the best results. Sometimes, dreams are connected with the previous day’s events and only become apparent over time.

Psychological Journaling Technique

This journaling technique helps you work through problems or questions about yourself, relationships with others, and the world around you:

  • You identify a problem you are facing.
  • List all the thoughts that come into your head when you think about that problem.
  • Write down the emotions those thoughts evoke in you and how you would act if faced with the situation in real life.
  • Consider whether that should be the best response in the given circumstance.

If not, identify a more productive way of responding and record it. Repeat the steps as many times as required until you have worked through the issue.

The Grid Journaling Technique

This journaling style helps you focus on specific problem areas of your life that require solutions. The grid system has four quadrants addressing the following questions

  • What do I want out of life?
  • What is currently stopping me from attaining what I want?
  • How can I get past these obstacles?
  • What actions should I take next to move in the right direction?

Once you have identified the four key objectives, you can use the quadrants to help you break your goals into smaller steps and work out a feasible time frame for completing these steps. Afterward, all you need to do is circle the actions necessary for moving towards each objective. Then, write them down under the appropriate heading.

Art Journaling Technique

This journaling style helps you get in touch with your creativity, especially if you’ve always loved art but never considered yourself an “artist.” It can be used to log your daily activities, record your memories or dreams, and sketch creative ideas. 

Whether you like to draw, write, or both, the first thing you need to do is choose a notebook and start recording your thoughts or ideas (or dreams). You can use watercolor paints, lots of markers and pens, collage materials, gesso… anything that suits your creative style. Be creative, doodle, and have fun!

Unsent letter Journaling

Therapeutic writing practice of writing letters to yourself, intended for your eyes only. The purpose is for self-healing and self-love, not to keep and reread forever. It could be addressed to your future self, expressing your feelings and emotions, or to your past self, asking for advice or forgiveness. 

Gratitude Journaling

The idea of gratitude journaling is simple: write out three things that happened during the day that you’re grateful for. Also, some people write down one thing that could have gone better and how they could improve the situation.

Reading journaling

This journaling style is excellent for tracking your reading progress and habits. You end up with lots of material for book recommendations, quotes, and reviews! You can document the books you read for school, your favorite stories and poems, or even digital media like Kindle books.

With journaling, the possibilities are endless! Typically people journal about their personal or professional lives. However, journaling can be as creative and flexible as you want it to be. Do not feel like you have to stick to one journaling technique every day. Mix up your journal writing with different techniques to find the journaling style that works best for you!

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