October 1, 2021

Time: How To Make The Most Of What You Have

Mothers are one of the most time-pressed individuals out there. How do we make time for all our responsibilities without sacrificing our sanity and health?

Time scarcity is a thing I did not know existed before having kids. I did not realize how good I had it. Suddenly, my time was no longer mine to use as I deemed fit. My carefully planned day always goes on a tailspin despite my best intentions. Exhaustion and resentment became my companion as I lost control over my life.

Since I found a solution to my problem, the result has been terrific. I am more productive, happier, energetic, and loving. I know many moms battle with time management as well. So, I will share the simple steps I took to escape that rabbit hole of wishing for more time.

Time Audit

Scrutinizing my day showed that parenting was not the only reason for my time scarcity. I discovered I spend a lot of time bingeing on information online. So, I focused on auditing time spent online using the Screen Time feature on my iPhone. Apple News, Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, and Emails were my culprits! Then, I devised ways to reduce time spent on these platforms.

Time Block

My calendar used to be driven by other people’s agendas. Nowadays, my needs dictate what is on my calendar. I fit other people’s wants into my already populated calendar. My new practice entails dividing my calendar into time blocks for specific activities. Then, I break the time blocks into related tasks. For instance, I split my 2-hour business time block into smaller time chunks for various business tasks. Unrelated activities are not allowed to infringe upon this time block. I repeat the same for other time blocks set for learning, relaxing, parenting, housekeeping, communication, etc. My time blocks are set in stone unless there is an emergency.

Minimize Distractions

Distractions are common today because of the ubiquitous nature of technology. It is easy to find yourself down the rabbit hole of information chasing by constant clicking, scrolling or swiping. 

So, I manage my time wisely by closing all unnecessary tabs on my web browser. I block app notifications from 6 am to 1 pm daily because those are my most productive hours. That way, I can do my best work. After 1 pm, I leave most notifications turned off except a few crucial ones. Then, I go through a summary of alerts at 6 pm.

Control Social Media Usage

I took back control by deleting all social media apps from my phone. Now, accessing my social media pages is no longer as easy as tapping an icon. I went a step further by restricting daily use to no more than 30 minutes daily. No more mindlessly checking my phone every few minutes for an information fix.

Daily Planning 

My planners have become my most treasured tools to manage time. Knowing I have a finite amount of time in a day, I budget every minute wisely. From the time I wake up in the morning to when I go to bed, I have clarity of what I should be doing. 

I use a mix of digital and paper planners to budget my time. The paper planners allow me to be more detailed about the tasks. On the other hand, I use the digital planners as real-time prompts while going about my day.

And that was how I overcame my time scarcity struggle. I hope you find my experience helpful if you are still struggling. Remember to make sure your priorities align with your values. Is there anything you want to change about the way you spend your time? If so, don’t hesitate to make it happen! You’re not alone when it comes to feeling overwhelmed by a lack of control over our schedules. What have been some ways that you have overcome this struggle with time?

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