November 5, 2021

12 Productivity Tips For Working From Home

There is the myth that you are less productive if you do not work outside the home. That is far from the truth for many who work from home. The strategies below is useful for many who do meaningful work from home.

Working from home used to seem impossible for so many people. What was a privilege for only a select few suddenly became accessible to anyone and everyone with the pandemic.

Working from home is possible because of the Internet and its ever-improving technologies and platforms. Nowadays, virtually any job can be done from home with just the click of a mouse.

We will discuss a few tricks you need to know to work from home effectively. Here are some helpful working-from-home hacks:

Set Boundaries When Working From Home

Ensure you have a set time for starting and finishing your work daily. Also, be sure that your business hours are designated and that you take breaks during that time. You do not want work to bleed into your leisure time. So, set aside time every day when you do not work.

Work In Sprints

Work in 30-minute chunks of time with breaks in between each chunk. Then, take a 60-minute break after four chunks. This is important because it will prevent you from burning out when working from home. For example, Work for 30 minutes and break for 5-10 minutes. Work for another 30 minutes, and break for 10-15 minutes. You get the picture.

Designated Workstation

Create a designated space to work and make it special with pictures of your family, flowers, etc. Place a few inspirational things around it. This will make you much more inclined to want to work in that space! Also, make yourself comfortable by using an ergonomic chair. You can get an affordable one from Ikea or Amazon that looks good.

Dress Up For Work

Dressing up, like going to a physical office outside the home, will help put you in work mode. Remember, this is your job now. So, treat it as such. Your family might realize over time that mom does not like distractions whenever she is all dressed up for work.

Minimize Or Eliminate Clutter

Keep your work area uncluttered. This will help eliminate feelings of being overwhelmed and allow you to focus. If you feel like your house or yard is a mess, and there’s no way you could possibly get anything done with it looking the way it does, hire a cleaning service. If you don’t have the money to pay someone, do it yourself! It may take some time, but it will be worth it in the long run. You can not work efficiently if you are constantly feeling behind!!

Delegate Tasks

Don’t try to do everything yourself because you’re working from home. Hire a babysitter and leave the house once or twice weekly for an hour or two. It will make such a difference in your mood and motivation! Also, don’t be afraid to hire people for lawn work or cleaning.

Find A Work Buddy Or Two!

Having someone to talk to throughout your daily tasks makes it much more manageable. You can keep each other accountable and motivate others when you feel unmotivated. Also, find people working for themselves because you will have a much better understanding of what’s going on in your life! 🙂

Embrace Goal Setting

Make goals for yourself every month and every year! If you keep a list of goals, it makes it so much easier to stay focused while working from home. You will have a running list to refer to and see your accomplishments. Do not leave things off your list because they aren’t small enough for a daily goal. Write down your monthly, weekly, and even daily goals!

Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People

It’s essential to find other people trying to accomplish the same things as you. If you can, attend conferences or seminars with people in your industry. You will gain valuable skills and insight and valuable connections that may lead to future opportunities!

Keep To-Do Lists

Make a list of daily tasks that must be accomplished, and check them off as you go! This is a big help because I can see what I have completed and what still needs to be done. I have a giant dry eraser board by my bedroom entry, where I usually write down my to-do lists the night before. The location ensures I see it anytime I walk through the door.

Limit Distractions

Remember to create a distraction-free workspace. Log out of all social media profiles while working on something important. This will prevent your mind from constantly looking at your newsfeed while your attention should be at work. Also, keep your phone on silent and turn it over, so you aren’t tempted to check it throughout the day. If you use your phone for work or play, make sure it is fully charged and in a place where you won’t be tempted to look at it often.

Have A Relaxation Routine.

You need to make relaxation a habit when working from home. You will be more refreshed if you take time out of your day to do something fun, whether seeing friends, going on a walk, or watching TV. Find what works for you and incorporate it into your routine, so you aren’t completely consumed by work.

Treat yourself! If you get a lot of things done and feel like celebrating, do it! Just do not go overboard because you still want to remain productive. Remember that nobody is perfect, and there will always be more to do than what can possibly fit into one day! Don’t compare yourself to others because today’s “perfection” is tomorrow’s “look how far I’ve come!” (:

Be proud of yourself and don’t forget to…

Stay gorgeous!

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