August 27, 2021

Giving Self-Care A Place In Your Busy Schedule

Building a business while raising kids can be rewarding but you run the risk of stretching too thin. You cannot afford to neglect self-care.

If you are a full-time mom building your own business, you know that it can be hard to find the time for self-care. And if your business is taking off and you have lots of work to do, then taking care of yourself tends to come last. You may battle feelings of guilt related to spending time on business instead of entirely on the family. But this guilt will only lead to burnout and make things worse in the long run.

Neglecting self-care will affect other aspects of your life, including your work. So, it would be best if you prioritized your health and well-being to avoid burnout.

Importance of Self-Care As You Build Your Business

Merriam-Webster defines self-care as “care for oneself.” Self-care is the practice of taking series of steps to care for your general well-being. Specifically, it involves practicing good habits and avoiding bad ones. Self-care is vital for self-esteem and self-worth.

There are various ways that you can practice self-care while building your own business as a full-time mom. And practicing regular self-care will allow you to continue building your business without the stress.

Make it a goal to take care of your physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual health! So, here are some tips for avoiding burnout as a full-time mom building her own business!

Physical Self-Care & Business

Achieve an optimal state by focusing on your diet, health, exercise, body movement, sleep, and hydration.

  • Get some exercise in

This can be a great way to relax and de-stress after a long day. Exercise also releases endorphins, a chemical that helps you feel happier and more relaxed!

  • Get enough sleep

It is very important to get enough sleep to invigorate your body and mind. The recommended hours of sleep vary from person to person. However, it is typically between seven to nine hours.

  • Eat a healthy diet

What you eat impacts directly how you feel and your energy levels throughout the day. Minimize processed foods. Instead, incorporate more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins (such as fish or chicken), whole grains, nuts/seeds, etc., into your diet.

  • Stay hydrated

Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Staying hydrated is crucial to your physical well-being as well as your mental and emotional health!

Spiritual Self-Care While Running your Business

Spiritual self-care helps you connect to your higher purpose as you build your business. It will allow you some “ME” time that is important for returning to work feeling refreshed.

  • Make meditation a daily practice

Taking time out of your day to do some meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety, increase your focus, and improve concentration. It’s also a great way to relax!

  • Read self-help or spiritual books

Books about self-improvement can help you reconnect with your higher purpose and motivate you to continue working towards achieving self-fulfillment.

  • Pray regularly

Praying is another excellent way to center yourself and feel closer to your true purpose!

  • Find a spiritual community

This can be very helpful for those looking for support in their self-care journey. Joining a spiritual community of like-minded people can give you the encouragement you need when things get tough.

Mental Self-Care & Your Wellbeing

Mental self-care is a combination of other self-care categories. Give yourself space from work every once in a while by surrounding yourself with positive people. Also, do things that make you laugh and have fun.

  • Keep your mind sharp and engaged

Try to read or learn new things that will keep your mind vibrant and curious. Watch movies or read books that will nourish your mind.

  • Take breaks during the workday

Just a 1-hour break will give you the energy and focus you need to keep working productively throughout the rest of your day.

  • Pursue a positive mindset

Comparing yourself to others and actively cultivating a positive state of mind as you build your business.

  • Do some soul searching

Take the time every day to take an honest look at yourself. Consider what went well that day and what you can improve on. Reflecting helps you to learn from your mistakes and grow as a person!

Social Self-Care As A Bonding Tool

Make sure not to spend so much time at work that you forget about the rest of your family or friends! It’s easy to get stuck working all day, every day because it can often feel like there is a ton of work for you to do. And when this happens, then you can run into burnout. 

  • Have quality time with friends and family

Make memories together as you laugh and have fun! Social self-care will allow you to build strong relationships as you build your business.

  • Get enough social time

Make sure you have a support system of family, friends, and other moms going through the same experiences. Learn to lean on each other for help along this amazing journey.

  • Online connections

Try connecting with like-minded people online through social media, good old email, or blogging.

  • Schedule time every week for in-person meet-ups

Plan coffee dates, lunch meetings, and get-togethers with friends so that you are reaching out and connecting with others on regular basis.

  • Make sure the right people surround you

The quality of the connections you make is just as important as the quantity of time spent.

Emotional Self-Care As You Connect With Your Purpose

This type of self-care is about making sure you’re happy as you build your business. You deserve it! Try to do things every day or at least once a week that makes you smile, feel good, and laugh out loud.

  • Get in tune with your inner self

Acknowledge your internal struggles, desires, and feelings to achieve balanced inner well-being.

  • Be part of a support system

It is also beneficial to surround yourself with supportive people. You build great emotional well-being when you are around other people who are going through the same things.

  • Take time to recharge

Schedule time over the weekends or whenever you can to unwind so that you are feeling positive, refreshed, and ready to tackle anything life throws your way!

  • Be fully present with loved ones

During dinner, take time away from your cell phone or computer screen so that you can relax and enjoy some family time without distractions.

  • Spend quality time together with your significant other

It’s also essential that you schedule weekly date nights so that you can maintain a connection with your significant other.

The most important thing to remember about self-care is that you need to do it regularly to get the full benefit. You will avoid burnout by making self-care part of your daily routine, and you will be able to build your small business successfully as a mom. Self-care is not selfish; it’s crucial for reaching full potential in all areas of life!

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